Peace Doves Wells

Peace Doves

‘Peace Doves’ is a mass-participation artwork by sculptor and artist Peter Walker. Thousands of paper doves carrying messages of peace, hope, and love are currently suspended in a beautiful, illuminated installation over the Nave of Wells Cathedral. The artwork is set to music by composer David Harper.

As part of the preparation for the installation, visitors to the Cathedral were invited to write their messages on the handmade doves that have now been included in the final artwork. In this way, the installation is unique to Wells.

For myself, I have long been inspired by the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam - the healing and transformation of all things by cultivating human actions that reflect goodness, beauty, truth, love and compassion. This also is in harmony with the Biblical notion of Shalom - the peace, health and harmony that all of creation and all people ultimately long for and is offered as a tantalising destination for human and earth history.

So here are some photographs of the Peace Doves installation in Wells using a camera with just a 20mm lens and a bit of ICM (intentional camera movement) creativity.


Westhay Moor Nature Reserve with Zoom Telephoto Macro


Stock Hill Wood