SHETLAND: Lunder Wick and Underhoull

Lunder Wick and Underhoull are two small settlements on the west coast of Unst, the northernmost island of Shetland. Lunder Wick is a former fishing station with a natural harbour and a few stone cottages. Underhoull is a cluster of houses and a farm near the shore of Burra Firth. Both places offer scenic views of the sea and the surrounding hills. Lunder Wick and Underhoull are rich in history and culture, as they have been inhabited since the Viking times. They have several archaeological sites, such as a broch, a chapel, and a Norse longhouse. Lunder Wick and Underhoull are also known for their wildlife, especially seabirds and seals. They are ideal destinations for nature lovers and history enthusiasts who want to explore the remote and rugged beauty of Shetland.


SHETLAND: Girls Wick


SHETLAND: The Keen of Hamar