Shetland: Weisdale to Westerfield

If you are looking for a scenic and rewarding walk in Shetland, you might want to try the route from Weisdale to Westerfield. This walk takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the island, with stunning views of the sea, hills and lochs. You will also pass by some historical and cultural sites, such as the Weisdale Mill, the Huxter Watermills and the Westerfield House.

The walk is about 10 km long and takes around 3 hours to complete. It is suitable for walkers of moderate fitness and experience, as there are some steep and rough sections along the way. You will need to wear sturdy shoes and bring waterproof clothing, as the weather can be unpredictable. You will also need a map and a compass, as the path is not always well marked.

The walk starts at Bonnhoga Gallery. Bonhoga Gallery is a visual and applied art gallery in Shetland, Scotland. It is located in Weisdale Mill, a former meal and barley mill that was renovated and opened as a gallery in 1994. Bonhoga Gallery showcases the best of Shetland, national and international art and craft through exhibitions, retail and showcase opportunities. It also has a cafe that serves locally sourced food and offers a lovely view of the Weisdale burn. Bonhoga Gallery is owned and run by Shetland Arts, and is open from Wednesday to Sunday, 10:30am to 4:30pm. Bonhoga means 'my spiritual home' in Shetland dialect, and the gallery is a popular destination for both locals and visitors who want to enjoy art, culture and nature in a beautiful setting.

From the gallery, you follow the road south until you reach a signpost for the Huxter Watermills. You turn left and follow a track that leads you to a series of old watermills that were used to grind corn and barley. You can see how they worked and admire the engineering skills of the past.

From the watermills, you continue along the track until you reach a gate. You go through the gate and follow a path that climbs up the hillside. You will soon enjoy panoramic views of Weisdale Voe, a long and narrow inlet that is home to many birds and seals. You might also spot some otters or dolphins if you are lucky. You keep following the path along the edge of the voe until you reach another gate. You go through the gate and descend to a bridge over a stream.

You cross the bridge and follow a path that leads you to Westerfield House, a grand 18th century mansion that was once owned by a wealthy merchant family. The house is now a private residence, but you can admire its architecture and gardens from a distance. You can also see a stone circle nearby, which is believed to be an ancient burial site. From Westerfield House, you follow the road north until you reach your starting point at Weisdale Mill.

This walk is a great way to explore some of the natural and cultural heritage of Shetland. You will see some of the most diverse and beautiful landscapes in the island, as well as some of the historical and industrial landmarks. You will also get some exercise and fresh air, which is good for your health and mood. If you are looking for a memorable walk in Shetland, you should definitely try this one.


Shetland: Scalloway and Burwick


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